The 20th century was witness to the most terrible wars in human history.
Thankful we haven’t seen anything like this scale in the 70 years since World War II. but there will be even a time like this again. It will come about because of general world leaders attempting to rule the world they will bring destruction on the same kind of level even, greater than World War II.
The Bible says there will be such a time in the closing days of time. A charismatic leader akin to the worst dictator of the past will ultimately rise in Europe with promise of peace and safety, 10 other leaders will unite with him, giving their national sovereignty over onto this leader for a short time. The biblical book of Revelation refers to both the powers blocks and its leaders as the beast, a revival of the holy Roman empire. This pattern all the holy Roman empire will follow the form used in the past of joining the civil government with the church.
Europe will form a partnership with the false prophet. The false prophet will be the leader of the Great False Church, Church system known as Babylon the great. Religion being seen as a means to hold the political unstable empire together. False miracles will convince the masses to follow the false prophet too the end of this war. This fight transforms the European power like its predecessor, into a war-making apparatus. Astonished, the world will ask, who is like the Beast? Who is able to make war with him? Yet that war will be more deadly. The very worst ever.
The conflict between the coming European superpower and eight Middle Eastern coalition will be the final outline of man’s manifestation of the struggle detailed in the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 11. Daniel calls this war a struggle between the beast of Europe and the coalition of nations is described in Psalms chapter 83.
That coalition of nations named in Psalms 83 are all now Muslim nation’s. Verse 40 of 11 chapter of Daniel says the king of the South will push or RAM at the King of the north., which is the European superpower. This will be the spark that sets off the Middle Eastern war. Most likely the spark will be when this coalition of Muslim nations attempts to defeat and Destroy Israel. According to the prophecies, for a short time that will be in-affected. Ultimately the coalition will grow stronger and stronger and began to move on the European power with tremendous force.
According to the prophecies the beast of Europe will then turned his attention towards the descendants of Jacob, (Israel) The people of the English speaking world. Not the people of the current nation which calls itself Israel. The ISRAEL, lion of the Bible. Listed in Genesis chapter 48 as Ephraim and Manasseh, the beast will turn his fury on the true people of God.
We’re told in Daniel’s prophecy that during this conflict many nations will be totally destroyed. Other prophecies tell us the Horror is going to take place during this time, revelation as such the world has never seen before and will ever see you again. Matthew 24. It ultimately means disaster for the nations descendants from the so-called 10 lost tribes of Israel – particularly the United States and other nation of British descent.
The descendants of the 10 lost Tribes of Israel, now make up 90% of the English-speaking Christian world. When you see the Bible speaks of the horrible things that the regulations originally the time of suffering to come particularly of all the descendants of ancient Israel, for their rebellion against God – to be followed by a year-long day of the Lord judgment on the world at-large reported in Isaiah 34;8 .
So the great tribulation is initially the time of suffering to come particularly on the descendants of ancient Israel. This is punishment for turning their back on God Isaiah 34 eight. In the book of Ezekiel chapter 5 verse four tells the fire will go up throughout Israel.
God’s warning about this period of conflict states that one hundred million people will die as a result of war in this conflict. The prophecy also states another 100 million more will die of natural disaster sickness and disease. The estimation now is there are 300 million souls living in the English-speaking world that basically contains the church of Jesus Christ. If 200 million died that leaves only 100 million that will survive the conflict. In the book of Amos chapter 5 verse three, the Bible appears to predict that only 10% of the people will actually survive. In the book of Ezekiel Chapter 6 verse six God further warns the descendants of ancient Israel, today’s major English-speaking nations, in all your dwelling places the city shall be laid waste. The destruction of Judah in Ezekiel’s all day automatic pales in comparison to what this verse actually says. If all of this happens to the United States it means cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, London, Sydney, Melbourne, will be obliterated.
If this kind of damage takes place, as the prophet says, it will means that nuclear war or new super sophisticated weapons will be used. We have truly reached the place in civilization that mankind now has in his possessions the ability to destroy all living beings on the planet Earth. No wonder Jesus said if He did not shorten those days those days no flesh would be left alive. Then God will turn toward judgement of all the nations of the earth in what the Bible calls his day of wrath. he said from the unlike say he would shorten those days.
When God finishes his punishment of Israel, for turning their back on him, He then turn his attention toward judging the nations for their sins. This is what the Bible calls God’s day of wrath. (Isaiah 34:8) God’s day of wrath is going to last one full year, 12 months. We will not experiences God’s Wrath, But we will experience the Devil’s Wrath.
Friend, there will be no hope in elections, in army’s or navy’s, the only hope you have is in Jesus Christ. It says in Revelation chapter 13 verse seven through 9, the only hope for anyone is to have their name in that book.
This is not even close to all the evidence I have that proves the above scriptures. The destruction is going to happen just as we have outlined it. If you think I am wrong, Check out the scriptures.
The Israelites who possessed the birthright were eventually supposed to come into their own new land. The Bible states this as a fact in 11 Samuel Chapter 7 verse 10.
(11 Samuel 7:10” Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel and plant them that they dwell in a place of their own and move no more”).
Note from admin: All comments are held for moderation and will require approval before appearing on this site 🙂
Posted at 10:52h, 21 AugustHi admin, you deleted my message, but you did not fix the typographical errors. Please don’t delete my message until Howard’s article has been correctly posted. There are portions that are nonsense and it is still loaded with simple typos.
Posted at 09:03h, 24 OctoberHi John
All comments are held for moderation prior to posting (it is still being held) – Howard is around 90 years old, does maintenance on his own home and has an elderly wife who requires a lot of care. Kindly give him some leeway – as your email address suggests? It looks as if a speech to text program was not working properly (such that it would have been a lot for an elderly man to type) and has muddled the message. It is being revisited. Thank you for your patience
Posted at 17:18h, 12 MarchHello,
Is the Howard Pittman Ministries still selling Brother Pittman’s books and videos? I was trying to order every item on the web site but it wouldn’t allow me to select shipping cost; therefore, I couldn’t place an order. I just found out that Brother Howard Pittman has gone to be with our Lord Jesus and I would like to give my condolences to the family. If Brother Pittman’s books and videos are still available, then I would like to order all of the material the web site offers. Please advise, my email is cloudq@startmail.com
Many blessings in Jesus,
Dan Andujar
Posted at 12:12h, 23 JuneHi Dan,
You can call the ministry directly if you are experience issues on the site.
Sorry for the late reply – we dont often check comments.601-736-4955
Posted at 17:05h, 06 SeptemberWhere is the rapture in your timeline?
Deborah Freudiger
Posted at 11:30h, 07 DecemberThank you for sharing this article. But may I present a question to you regarding the true Israel?
You mention the 10 lost tribes are the true Israel, and I agree. But you also mention that the rebellious will be brought through this test- trial- Tribulation. What of the non-rebellious of the 10 lost tribes? What of the ones that do serve God with their whole heart NOW, and are obedient to Christ?
Thank you for addressing my question regarding the “ righteous true church” and the coming judgment.
Deborah Freudiger
Posted at 12:05h, 07 DecemberHi James,
I happen to see your question posted on this website regarding the timing of the rapture, but I didn’t see a reply post answering your question.
If an answer was given, could you please share?
Thank you and God Bless
Posted at 13:17h, 07 DecemberThis subject is one of the most controversial in all of Christendom, but in my opinion (after having studied this subject for many years) the rapture of the church happens just before the 7 vials are poured out on the earth (just before the wrath of GOD begins). This happens in Rev 14 KJV – the reaping of the wheat.
14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
I don’t see this as Jews only, or those who accepted after the rapture and before the Wrath of GOD – it does not fit into the other scriptures for the Last Trumpet.
As you can see by reading onward, those that are left are a part of the reaping of the grapes of wrath:
17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.
Then the Wrath of GOD begins on the rest of humanity – on those who have committed one of the 2 unforgivable sins (according to Howard):
1) blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
2) accepting the mark of the beast
There are lots of ministers who believe that all Christians will escape the ENTIRE Tribulation from Rev 5 onward, but if that were the case (that GOD was going to somehow rescue us from hardship – like He has ever done that before) why are we still here? I’m so tired of ministers who give dates for the rapture, then move it when the date passes. We are already in the 6th day (6000 years since Adam on the Gregorian calendar), but is GOD on the Gregorian calendar, the Hebrew calendar (in which case there is still 200 years before the return of Christ) or GOD’s own calendar?
Also the rapture happens at the sound of the LAST Trumpet 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 which is also just before the 7 Vials in Revelation.The reality is NO ONE knows the date of the Rapture (not even Howard Pittman), and I would say if anyone ever gives you a DATE just ignore them because although there will be lots of warnings from prophets (Amos 3:7) when its near but I doubt GOD will tell anyone an actual date. It is key to note however, that ALL important dates in Jesus’ life happened on feast days, so we can be almost certain this will continue as He will fulfill all the rest of the feasts:
0) supposed birth (Hanukkah)??
1) death (passover)
2) Pentecost (unleavened bread)
3) rapture (feast of trumpets)
4) return (Day of Atonement)
so we can assume the time will be the Feast of Harvests (that makes perfect sense) but we do not know the year
Set your heart on the long haul – I don’t think the rapture will be in our lifetime – remember that day will not come until the great falling away and the man of lawlessness is revealed. The antichrist may not even be born yet.
I know these may not seem like encouraging words to some because the days already seem so dark, and it would be nice to hope in the idea that GOD will soon take us away from this darkness – but how many generations before us have said the same thing?
Hold On To Hope:
When Howard Pittman was in Viet Nam they told the soldiers to become experts in 2 things:
1) know your weapon
2) know your enemy
If you do these 2 things, you will not become so wounded when life or the enemy seems to attack you. Put on your armour – learn your weapons and don’t be ignorant of the devil’s devices. That’s how we’ll get through if The Lord decides to tarry. Reading Howards books will help – you already know more than most Christians do – share what you’ve learned with anyone who will listen, and keep educating yourself. Draw near to GOD and He will draw near to you. Many millions have met the Lord face to face. If you’re hungry enough, you can too. One encounter can keep you going for a lifetime.
Blessings to all who read this – agree or disagree – still be blessed.
Stephan Bevan
Forrest Baum
Posted at 22:32h, 12 JanuaryMy Name is Forrest Baum
I’ve listened and read your book placebos and I am very glad god showed you what he did.
from this day forward I’m going to try my best to LIVE my life like a true christian with the help of the holy spirit and god/Jesus . The coming great war article does not say the author? Anyways, I thank you for relaying Gods message I will continue to spread.
P.T.L. Praise The Lord!!!!
Laura Prather
Posted at 12:49h, 09 MarchI have just found you yesterday, though I can’t recall how I came across your information. I read your Placebo book last night and my soul rejoiced in the message and cried and the goodness and mercy of the Lord toward you. In 2015 it was my goal to “Seek First His Kingdom” like I had never done and even though I have been a Christian for 40 years, all my understanding was greatly changed as I truly put His Kingdom/His will first. I’ve sought out a church that truly walks in the faith of Christ and I can not get enough of the Word and the Holy Spirit. I am watching it cost me close friendships with believers as I see in their eyes their new assessment of me for declaring in faith the grace and power in the Lord – instead of giving in and receiving sickness, depression, defeat and poverty- just like the rest of the world. I have been shocked to find that nearly every Christian I know clings to their sicknesses and troubles like a security blanket and when I declare their authority over those things in Christ I see that they think I am insensitive to their plight. I see now that it has been years of lip-service of quoting nice sounding scriptures but never believing them. I look back and think why I chose to live that way for so long, but now grieve for my friends and family who still choose to live that way, yet feel that the lessons I have learned and the message I now have has fallen on deaf ears. They don’t want to hear it. My own father ( a former pastor) declared he needed to sit me down and straighten me out when he learned of the church I have chosen to attend. The road is far narrower than I expected and I wept this morning thinking of those who do not understand the goodness of the Lord – who are missing out on it! Why can they not see it? And I saw that the church has preached a selfish “gospel” for so long – attempting to create Christians with the enticement of what they get out of it, a fire insurance so to speak. We long for heaven thinking our salvation has saved us from hell so we can live out our pleasures in Heaven. Oh, how wrong! The Lord clearly showed me that while Heaven will be perfectly pleasurable, it will be that way because God’s will is perfectly accomplished. It’s not about me, though it will be wholly delightful, but it’s about doing His will – that is Heaven. The delight in knowing God even here on earth becomes so much more pleasurable day by day. I am so eager to be with Him in Heaven, yet thank Him that He has given me more time in earth to bless my family and those I meet with the love of the Lord. So grateful for you Mr. Pittman. I do not know if you are still living, or are in the presence of your Savior. I am grateful for your message. It has not gone unheard. Blessings and favor. Your sister in Christ…
Tony Griffy
Posted at 19:19h, 22 JulyHello Laura, I read your post and wanted say that I am in agreement.
I have recently purchased 2 of Rev. Pittman’s books and I believe it has been a big part of my “waking up”, in these last days, to obedience in Christ.
Doreen Whatman
Posted at 11:05h, 11 AugustHi.My name is Doreen.I have been trying to order all Howard’s material for quite some years now.Can you please direct me to a place to place an order.Thankyou.
Posted at 10:53h, 30 AugustItems can be purchased on the shop on this site either by selecting “store” in the navigation or by this link: https://www.howardpittman.org/shop/
Joyce Mather
Posted at 12:13h, 13 AugustIs Howard still alive?
Posted at 08:15h, 24 OctoberYes, he is speaking on Nov 18 & 19 2017 at Abba Christian Center in PA, USA
Posted at 10:51h, 30 AugustHoward passed away the final time on Wednesday March 13, 2019
Cassanddra Doss
Posted at 17:57h, 15 AugustDear Mr. Pittman,
I am so thankful for the truth of the gospel. I pray that is well. I thankful for you. Continue to be blessed and encouraged. Love you!
darla schmitt
Posted at 19:48h, 18 AugustDear , Howard Pittman, I bought all your books and I read some of them so far. I was cut to the heart but was so blessed to hear on this side of eternity to get my life centered on God,s will and purpose. And to repent on all the lies I was taught and lived by. I,m am so greatful for God to send you back to tell the real truth to us. I tell people about it but they don,t want to hear it. I pray for you and Joyce everyday. May God bless you, I love you. Darla
Mikayla Forrest
Posted at 11:45h, 19 JanuaryBro Pittman has been such a blessing to me these past 7 yrs since God put his radio show on my radio one night! I have read many of his books and I still study his sermons regularly. I do believe God placed him here as a recruiter and a teacher. His testimony is remarkable.
Posted at 18:14h, 12 MarchHello,
Can you still place an order on the web site? Is there anyone still maintaining it and if they’re still selling the books and DVDs? Can anyone advise? Thank you and blessings in Jesus.
Posted at 12:10h, 23 JuneYes Pilgrim,
Howard Pittman Ministries is still running, but we do not check comments often, sorry.
Mikayla Forrest
Posted at 19:07h, 12 AprilHello, I know Howard has gone on to be with Jesus however can you please darken the font on this article to make it more readable. It is a fantastic article and I have learned alot from it even after reading so many of Howards books. Jesus bless all here
Posted at 12:21h, 23 JuneThanks for the recommendation.
It has been done.