This book cover is a graphic illustration of Revelation Chapter Six, Verse two, which is John’s description of the false hero who will come as a world savior! Look at him. The crown stands for authority, he will rule. Notice he has no sword or arrows. The bow he holds in hand says he will conquer, but without weapons. He will come as a man of peace. He is not a dictator. A man without weapons, or armies, nevertheless he will conquer the WHOLE WORLD! Publication Date: 1993
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Jitender –
I’d never thought of it as a fad I was tiklang to a friend this weekend about the idea of story. I think it’s Biblical to tell our stories. The Old Testament is a series of stories that tell a bigger story. Jesus tells stories to illustrate the bigger story. Stories, for some reason, feel both incredibly human and incredibly divine. And I get so much out of people’s stories encouragement, faith, warning, and the desire to seek God more.I also think of it in the context of how we don’t know what is going on in the world unless someone tells a story. For instance, I had no idea that human trafficking is rampant among young girls in Sacramento (where I live). But then a friend told me the story of a girl who had been kidnapped and sold into a brothel in SF (!! I can’t believe this stuff happens). I would have no idea if someone hadn’t told me. And because of that story, I feel compelled to act and support anti-human trafficking efforts through my church and other organizations in town. All because of how real someone’s story felt to me.Sorry for the long comment! You just got me thinking more